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Better access. Better health
Read our guide to Generic and biosimilars medicines market and pricing
Better access to high quality biological medicines
The British Biosimilars Association (BBA) is the expert sector group of the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) exclusively focused on biosimilars

The British Biosimilars Association (BBA) is the expert sector group of the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) exclusively focused on biosimilars.

The members of the BBA ensure access to high quality, safe and effective biosimilar medicines for UK patients. As industry experts, we partner with patients’ representatives, healthcare professionals, regulators and payers to increase understanding and to drive a sustainable environment for the development, production and continuing optimised use of biosimilar medicines across the UK.

For more information about Biosimilars, please take a look at NHS England’s ‘What is a Biosimilar’ document.