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Adalumimab launches

Warwick Smith, Director General of the British Biosimilars Association (BBA), said: “The last few years have seen the UK go from lagging behind other EU Member States to becoming one of the leading European countries in terms of take-up of biosimilar medicines. The advent of competition in the provision of Adalimumab—the costliest drug to the NHS in the UK—gives a further massive opportunity to treat more patients for less money.

“The budget savings to the NHS and freeing up resources so that more patients can be treated depends on competition working effectively and appropriately. Building on the experience gained with other recent biosimilar introductions, the NHS is now in a strong position to make the most of the savings opportunity delivered via competition and meet Simon Stevens’ objectives. 

“Reflecting the size of the Adalimumab market, and some of its complexities, NHS England has worked hard to give appropriate advice throughout the Service and to create a procurement plan aimed at ensuring the creation of a competitive multi-source market. It is vitally important for patient access to medicines and efficiency in the NHS that the plan works and we shall be carefully monitoring progress to ensure that the opportunity offered by biosimilar competition in the Adalimumab market is fully realised.”